Thursday, September 6, 2012

Body pH Balance The Key To Health


Kevin Trudeau, a reporter, is the main person who has revealed to the world, that it is BODY pH BALANCE ALKALINE that keeps you healthy and the main cure that avoids disease like diabetes and cancer. In his first infomercial of the Natural Cures book he states this, " Your body has a pH Balance. If your body is Alkaline You Cannot Get Cancer, And If You Have It, It Goes Away. Thats A Cure". He was ordered not to repeat saying it again in further infomercials. He states That Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931 won the Nobel Prize for finding the cause of cancer - Body Acidosis. That cancer only lives in the Acidic body. That Body pH Alkaline prevents cancer and cancer and disease cannot live in an Alkaline and Oxygen environment.

Kevin Trudeau states, This means cancer and disease like diabetes develop in your body after long time being in acidic state. That the food industries have certain ingredients in food that over time make you sick. Then you go see a doctor who means well, but is only taught to give drugs and do surgery. Then now this leads to the pharmaceutical industry that makes drugs that cause death, liver and kidney failure, and side effects worst than the condition you have. (notice drug commercials stating words "can be fatal", means you can die causes death) That the doctors get kick back money from these drug companies for giving prescriptions for these drugs. That the drugs dont cure anything, but only mask the symptoms of your condition. That the medical industry does many unnecessary procedures for the money and not to cure you but to keep you coming back for more drugs that make you more sick and take more drugs to counter side effects, but cause more side effects thus is the cycle. To keep patients coming back. Now doctors are great for trauma if you hurt yourself and need life saving. But as for sickness the best is natural remedies that cure instead of drugs that only suppress the symptoms. 

In Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures newsletters in the early 2000s he was the first to reveal to a mass public about the dangers of - Fluoride a toxic waste dumped on us to avoid cost of storing it away.  High Fructose Corn Syrup, and M.S.G. make you addicted, hungry again, and fat.  Propylene Glycol an antifreeze.  Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose are neurotoxins excitotoxins Brain toxins that cause cancer in lab rats. Skin product Parabens are used in mortuary make up. So chemicals in our food, drinks, hair and skin products. (notice now years later labels say in front No High Fructose, No Parabens, etc. because people were becoming aware and sales dropped so they took out the ingredient.) He got the world finally reading labels.
He reveals the dangers of microwaving food. (food has living enzymes to help digest food. The microwave kills these enzymes causing heartburn acid reflux and stomach indigestion and pain. Real truth.) He reveals also the importance of Body Cleansing, keeping the intestines cleansed, and minimizing electromagnetic frequency.
Keeping your body Alkaline by the benefits of a balanced meal with leafy green vegetables and fruits, natural supplements like Spirulina, Coral Calcium, virgin coconut oil, and skin care like shea butter.
How your emotions also play a key in your body chemical reactions to go Alkaline or Acidic, funny and loving positive emotions put your body in a Alkaline state, and sad angry.negative emotions put your body in a Acidic state with in a half hour.  All by the mass public awareness from his Natural Cures book and his Natural Cures newsletters.

Kevin Trudeau I remember his Memory course - Mega Memory, and it works if you complete it. His Natural Cures book is truth, I keep it simple and im not interested in his other courses or his network marketing. Body pH Balance Alkaline is not a new discovery. Kevin Trudeau is just a popular person and had the ability to bring this information to millions of people.

Scientist Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells live without oxygen, in an acidic environment. Healthy cells need oxygen and an Alkaline environment. his work on discoveries like this awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
Another scientific discovery experiments that the cell takes in nutrients and execrates waste. As long as the water around it is changed, the cell can live forever.

Kevin Trudeau, is a reporter, and as it comes with people who have discovered or revealed things to benefit humanity, he has many haters who will try and discredit what he brings to the public. But now millions know and are educating themselves verifying its true. Just like when Nikola Tesla was taken all his credit away from the public knowing he is the inventor of much technology around us daily. How Nikola Tesla was discredited called a mad man to not get funding to build a tower making free electricity for the entire planet.  How still many other inventors of technology like Troy reed, or Stanley Meyer, with their magnetic motor and water fuel cell. How their mysterious deaths prevented us from moving forward out of the 100 year old oil gas and combustion engine era.

Even the Great Martial Artist Bruce Lee has haters, calling him just an actor, and it comes from people that never saw his films or never learned anything about his life, achievements, innovations to Martial Arts, fight gear, film, and fitness. We all must know, the haters always will come, soon as you get good at something, or innovate create something new.

Michael Tellinger quotes if you have an invention or discovery that can benefit the planet and Mankind, share it with the world so everyone knows. The world recognition it will give you is more than any money, and may prevent you from mysteriously taking it to your grave.
Many inventors and Scientist know, The Key to many things is frequency and sound.

Free energy is what the world needs, free wireless electricity by the Tesla Coil. Water as fuel by turning it from H2O liquid to HHO gas. Regenerating electric cars. Magnetic Motor technology that uses no fuel. We should be living like the Jetsons traveling in Levitating Cars powered by Gyroscopic Mercury Vortex engines, instead of traveling in 100 year old combustion engine cars with fancy shells.

Great inventors, reporters, researchers, authors
New Thought authors
Nikola Tesla - inventor
Patrick Flanagan - inventor over 300 patents Neurophone, phisciences
Masaru Emoto - Hidden Messages in Water
Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures they dont want you to know about
Zecharia Sitchin - The Lost Book of Enki
Bruce Lee - The Tao of Jeet Kune Do

How to Keep Body pH Balance

1. Eat Balanced Meals - Vegetables (green) Fruits with Meals  ( Avoid Soda )
2. Keep Emotions Positive - Happy Love Joy Optimistic
3. Minimize and Counter- Electromagnetic Frequencies - no Microwave, less Cellphone 
4. Cleanse the Body - Cleanse intestines, take probiotics, no pharmacy drugs, natural remedies

A whistleblower has stated that your body has a pH acid-alkaline balance. If your body is alkaline, you cannot get cancer or disease. To become alkaline is to become healthy. Prolonged body acidosis leads to cancer and disease. Understanding Body pH is a secret knowledge not to be spoken of in the media. How your body pH chemistry depends on not just you eating healthy with green vegetables, but that your emotions are a major part of your health. Your emotions cause body chemical reactions and cause you to be Acidic or Alkaline. Example if you watch something on TV thats violent angry and negative within a half hour your body can become in an acidic state. The opposite watching loving and funny show will cause a alkaline body chemical reaction. To keep positive emotions going, along with positive thinking. To be optimistic, think healthy thoughts, no stress or guilt, the I can right attitude.
A balanced meal means eat green vegetables, with your meat and potatoes. Drink water, tea, or fruit juices (fruits turn alkaline in the body). The worst thing to drink is carbonated drinks (soda is acid water) has a very low pH.
Also the worst thing to eat is anything microwaved, so throw out the microwave and use a toaster oven and use the stovetop like before we became spoiled and unhealthy using the microwave. You see the microwave destroys the living enzymes in food needed for digestion, and thus the microwave give you upset stomach, and heartburn acid reflux.
Read labels on food and drinks and choose better to avoid or minimize what the food industry puts in our food, if not we get unhealthy and go to the doctor, who means well, but will likely want to prescribe you drugs, which benefit only the doctor in money kick backs from the drug companies. Drugs that damage your liver and have more side effects making you worst, then you go back for more medications for the side effects.Thus a cycle begins. So be in charge of your health and you tell your doctor no I wont take that, or take the prescription paper and throw it out after leaving.
So the 3 things, read food and drink labels, be in charge of your doctor, and dont take drugs, use a natural remedy that will take away the cause instead of drugs that only mask the symptoms. If you need to take antibiotics, after take probiotics to replenish your internal flora. If you need to take something for pain, thats the only drug I can understand taking, but forget those addictive pain meds, only the medication called ibuprofen I found in my opinion, that It really takes away pain and swelling without addiction and any real side effects.
So what is the truth learned, a real whistleblower has revealed, and can find proof online  -
Soda as an unhealthy drink , not just because the high sugar, but because the very acid pH soda has.
Fluoride is a toxic waste dumped on us to prevent the cost of storing it away. Use non-fluoride toothpaste.
Margarine is a pure hydrogenated transfat whipped into a solid, Use Butter, butter is just churned cream.
Microwave is unhealthy causing upset stomach and heartburn acid reflux. Use a toaster oven or stove.
Canola oil, whats that? You can squeeze oil out of an Olive. Use virgin olive oil, or virgin coconut oil.
No fast food, one pizza is ok. a diner that cooks good meat on a flame grill. Use more organic whole foods and things like organic, sugar, sea salt, and dairy.
Avoid products that have High fructose corn syrup, propylene glycol, monosodium(msg) and fluoride 
So these are not things to stop, they are to be replaced. Nothing is ever stopped, it is replaced.
Replace a unhealthy thought with a healthy thought. Something bad for something good.
Dont wait till cancer and diabetes have gone past the point of no return. Alkalize and live. 
The human body is meant to live past 100 years old still healthy and active happily enjoying life.
Body pH balance, positive thinking, memory of water, the electron, the elixir of life

The abbreviation "pH" stands for "potential of hydrogen." When it comes to the body, the solutions that flow through it have a negative or positive charge, and they are determined by a pH scale that goes from zero to 14. If your pH is below 7, you are acidic; if your pH is 7, you are neutral; and if your pH is 7.1 to 14, you are alkaline. The ideal range is 7.35 to 7.45, and to get there, you can take several steps that involve your diet and lifestyle.

What is the pH Balance of the Body?
The pH level is one of the most important balance systems of the body. The term pH stands for “potential” of “Hydrogen”.  It is the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. The more ions, the more acidic the solution.  The fewer ions the more alkaline (base) the solution. The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, on a scale of zero to fourteen, with zero being most acid, fourteen being most alkaline and seven being mid-range. The most critical pH balance is in the blood.
Acidic                                                    Alkaline
Normal blood pH has a very small window of acid/alkaline pH balanceBlood pH must range between 7.35 and 7.45. This means that there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood.  Any slight decrease in pH will result in lower oxygen levels in the blood and, therefore, in the cells.  Any drop in pH, no matter how slight, is the beginning of a disease state and affects when and how we age.  All other organs and fluids will fluctuate in their range in order to keep the blood at a strict pH between 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline). This process is called homeostasis. The body makes constant adjustments in tissue and fluid pH to maintain this very narrow pH range in the blood. A normal pH of all tissues and fluids of the body (except the stomach) is slightly alkaline. The stomach pH is much more acid than the intestinal pH because the stomach needs an acid environment (hydrochloric acid) to break down food for digestion. Whereas, the flora (good bacteria) of the intestine need a more alkaline environment to assimilate and process the nutrients from the foods digested by the stomach.
How Does Eating Affect Our pH Level? 
Foods for a Balanced pH
For a naturally balanced pH, avoid over consumption of the following:
  • meat
  • alcohol
  • soft drinks
  • caffeine
  • coffee
  • most nuts
  • eggs
  • vinegar
  • sauerkraut
  • ascorbic acid
  • cheese
  • white sugar
  • medical drugs. 
Add more of these to your diet.
  • RAW vegetables
  • ripe fruits
  • bean sprouts
  • CLEAN water
  • milk (goat's is best)
  • onions
  • figs
  • carrots
  • beets
  • miso
Diet is probably the most important change we can make to balance our natural pH.  We need to eat at least 75% alkaline-forming foods. The average all-American diet consists of about 80% acid-forming foods!  Because processed and refined foods are extremely acidic to our systems, the body creates a buffering system (a chemical process to protect the body from being harmed by the acids). This buffering process requires the use of many nutrients from the body, including electrolyte minerals (organic potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, to name a few).  Electrolyte minerals are not minerals from the ground. They're minerals from plant sources that have gone through the process of photosynthesis.

Why are Electrolyte Minerals Important for our Bodies?
Electrolyte minerals are vital to the metabolic functions of our body systems. When we have a sufficient reserve of electrolyte minerals, the buffering process (the cushioning and removing of unwanted acids from our systems), is not a problem. When we are young, we usually have sufficient reserves. Over time, the electrolyte mineral reserves can become depleted by ingesting too many processed and refined acid-forming foods, or from excessive mental or emotional stress. When we run short of electrolyte minerals, our body is no longer able to maintain an efficient homeostasis (a state of equilibrium).
The body has a hierarchy of priorities for survival. Second only to breathing and sustaining our heartbeat, the most important metabolic function that our bodies perform is maintaining a specific pH. The most important pH level that the body must regulate is the blood’s pH level. The body’s blood pH level must be maintained at 7.4 (slightly alkaline). If it varies more than a point, death can result from a coma or a seizure. In order to maintain the blood’s critical pH balance, the body will compromise less important functions. Once the electrolyte reserves become depleted, the body begins to rob these electrolytes from the various organs and systems of the body to maintain the blood’s pH level. This is where the imbalance begins.
The following are examples of altered pH levels and the resulting imbalanced internal body system:
If the bowels and intestines are robbed of electrolyte minerals, the pH level becomes altered. This creates an imbalance in the bacterial environment, which can leave the bowels and intestines open to pathogens (including candida and parasites), irritations and disturbances. Have you ever heard of irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut syndrome? 
Also, when the body becomes depleted of organic sodium (an essential electrolyte mineral, not table salt), the body may not be able to manufacture enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This can create an imbalanced digestive system, where foods are not being digested properly.
These imbalances can be aggravated further because our body systems will generally deplete electrolytes from the weakest areas first. So if someone already has a weakened body system, the further depletion of electrolyte minerals will cause a greater imbalance and more dysfunction. When our bodies become too depleted, overall functioning becomes weakened, affecting the immune system and the body’s ability to fight off bacterial and viral infections.
Testing pH - What is the normal pH of blood, urine, and saliva?
Pure water, which has pH of 7, is neutral. Substances with a pH less than 7 are considered acidic and substances with a pH of greater than 7 are considered basic.
The normal pH of blood running through arteries (large elastic-walled blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body) is 7.4; the pH of blood in the veins (vessels that transports blood to the heart) is about 7.35. Normal urine pH averages about 6.0. Saliva has a pH between 6.0 and 7.4.
You can easily monitor your pH with simple testing strips which can be purchased at your local pharmacy.  Testing saliva is the easiest way to gauge the body’s pH. To test saliva: Wait 2 hours after eating. Spit into a spoon. Dip the strip. Read immediately.  Use the color chart from the correct indication.  An optimal reading is 7.5. This indicates a very slightly alkaline body.
Urine is more acidic than saliva. To test urine: Test a urine sample first thing in the morning. Fill a small cup with urine, and dip a strip into the cup. Read immediately. An optimal reading is about 6.5 
Source: Guyton, Arthur C. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 8th ed., pp. 331, 340, 711.
About Balancing the pH
There are many good products out there for raising pH levels. Your diet and water are most important, however.  Below are a few of our favorite ways for quickly raising pH levels and oxygenating tissue.

Alkalize your Body pH to
Restore Good Health

Nutritionists and scientists all over the world state that we should take in at least five dishes of vegetables and green foods per day, every day! But where and how in our fast paced lifestyles, eating on the run, are we going to be able to do this? Our bustling and overloaded ways of life don’t allow us to watch out sufficiently enough for a healthy and balanced nutrition.
What many people do, especially for breakfast, is to consume foods and drinks like orange juice, toast, honey, sweet rolls, muffins, waffles, pancakes etc., which contain huge amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates, thus promoting high levels of yeast and fungi to grow inside the body. Traditional high protein breakfast foods like omelette, bacon, sausage, meats etc. also compromise the inner fluids and ultimately lead to higher acid levels in our body.
As a result, many people nowadays suffer from the over-acidification of their body, also known as acidosis. All food we ingest influences our body pH level. By consuming acid-forming or acidic food, like continental breakfast, hot-dogs, muffins or coke, our body is continuously fighting to neutralize the excessive acid and to retain pH balance, which is a pH level of 7.356 on the pH scale. Symptoms of a pH imbalance can be weight problems such as overweight and underweight, as well as other health conditions such as allergies, arthritis, acne and heart attacks.
To decelerate or, even better, interrupt these critical processes, the over-acidification of the body ought to be reversed by creating a proper nutritional balance of alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods in your diet. As our normal body pH level is 7.356 on the pH scale, thus slightly alkaline, you should also add large amounts of alkaline water and alkaline food to your daily diet. Only then your body will be able to restore its ideal pH, get rid of acid wastes and create a healthy inner environment.
A proper, slightly alkaline diet, suggests taking in at least 80% of alkalizing foods, like green vegetables or grasses, and never more than 20% of neutral and acidifying foods. Acid forming foods are amongst others meat, dairy products, chocolate, bread and all kind of other yeast products, alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee and tea. Try to avoid those foods, instead consume as much alkaline forming foods as possible, like vegetables, greens, sprouts, soy products and most kind of seeds (also have a look at our acid-alkaline food chart). Eating alkaline foods transforms your body pH from dangerously acidic to slightly above neutral. Above that, alkaline water neutralizes harmful acid wastes and gently dismantles them from cells and tissues. Alkaline water has a pH value between 9 and 11 on the pH scale.
An alkaline way of life is the perfect start to restore your overall health. By transforming your nutrition into an alkalizing pH diet, which can be by eating vegetables all day long, or taking green food nutritional supplements, the body’s pH level will gradually be balanced. When the nutrients of alkaline foods get into your bloodstream, every cell in your body will be recreated and regenerated. An alkaline diet thus helps to boost your energy levels, improve skin, reduce allergies and enhance mental clarity.
Above that, when pH balance is achieved, the body instinctively drops to its ideal, healthy weight. As soon as the acidic environment is eliminated, there will be no need for new fat cells to form, and the remaining fat in your body is no longer needed to store acid wastes, and therefore simply melts away. An alkaline way of life will restore good health; you will not only see but also feel the difference.
Eat more green food and alkalize your body pH! Start Today!